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1. Introduction
2. India’s age structure transition
3. Inequality-adjusted demographic dividend model
3.1. General model
3.2. Introduction of inequality into the first demographic dividend model
3.3. Operational model
4. Variables and data descriptions
4.1. Age profile of per capita labour income
4.2. Age profile of per capita consumption
4.3. Age profile of inequality in labour income
4.4. Age profile of inequality in consumption
4.5. Growth rate of labour productivity
5. Empirical results
5.1. Basic results on age profiles
5.1.1. Age profiles of income and consumption
5.1.2. Age profile of income inequality
5.1.3. Age profile of consumption inequality
5.1.4. Comparability of income inequality and consumption inequality by age
5.1.5. Inequality-adjusted age profiles of labour income and consumption
5.2. Assessment of inequality-adjusted first demographic dividend
6. Conclusion and policy implications
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