Population and Economics 2(4): 47-84, doi: 10.3897/popecon.2.e36060
Social activity of elderly Russians and prospects of implementation of the “active ageing” policy
expand article infoOksana Kuchmaeva
‡ National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russia
Open Access
The article is devoted to the analysis of the scale and types of social activity of elderly Russians. The urgency of this problem is due to the scale of demographic ageing, which has already become the subject of targeted social policy in Russia and other countries. In implementing the International Plan of Action on Ageing, in particular within the framework of the Strategy for Action for Older Citizens in the Russian Federation up to 2025, it is important to understand to which extent promotion of the ideology of active ageing could be spoken of.The paper attempts to identify the scope and structure of social activity of elderly Russians based on data from the representative sample survey “A comprehensive survey of living conditions of the population”, conducted by Rosstat in 2016. The use of sample survey data and methods of statistical data analysis enabled substantiating the hypothesis on insufficient social activity and social inclusion of elderly Russians, the significant role of family interaction in the lives of older persons, which should be taken into account in assessing the impact and adjusting the Strategy for Action for Older Citizens in the Russian Federation up to 2025.
active ageing; ageing of the population; social activity of the elderly; “active ageing” policy