Corresponding author: Gayane L. Safarova ( ) © 2019 Gayane L. Safarova, Anna A. Safarova.
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The article analyzes the dynamics of the aggregate age structure of the population of Moscow and St. Petersburg between 1990 and 2015, as well as in the long term up to 2045 in accordance with a number of scenarios of changes in the indicators of major demographic processes. Besides, the population pyramids of St. Petersburg and Moscow according to the following population censuses are considered: the First Census of Population of the Russian Empire of 1897, the All-Union population censuses of 1926, 1939, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989, the All-Russian population censuses of 2002 and 2010, and a quantitative evaluation of their similarities and differences is given.
population ageing, age structure of the population, comparative analysis, perspective calculations
The age and sex structure is one of the most important characteristics of the population. The analysis of the age composition allows for a deeper insight into the essence of natural population movement processes and, therefore, a mode of its reproduction. The age and sex structure clearly reflects the evolution of the population reproduction regime in the near and distant past. At the same time, the structure has a certain impact on future population development (
The ageing of the population, which has a significant and increasing impact on the society, reflects the transformation of the age structure in course of demographic transition. This explains the special attention to the dynamics of the age group of the elderly (persons over working age, i.e. 60+).
Indicators of the main demographic processes for Moscow and St. Petersburg in 2015, taken as basic for this research, are given in Table
Principal demographic indicators for Moscow and St. Petersburg, 2015.
Indicator | City | |
Moscow | Saint Petersburg | |
Total population, million people | 12.20 | 5.19 |
Total fertility rate (TFR, births per woman) | 1.41 | 1.59 |
Life expectancy (LE) for men, years | 73.0 | 69.8 |
Life expectancy (LE) for women, years | 80.4 | 78.4 |
Balance of migration, person | 112,211 | 25,263 |
Prospects for the size and age structure of population in Russia in whole, Moscow, and St. Petersburg will be the focus of the last part of this paper. However, to demonstrate the influence of the age structure on demographic development, we give here the results of calculations of the long-term dynamics of the population size of Moscow and St. Petersburg up to 2045 in two scenarios: the first one assumes preservation of the regime of reproduction base 2015 and zero migration, which allows to see opportunities for population growth due to natural reproduction, as well as the initial age structure of the base 2015 (CC0 scenario); the second one also assumes a reproduction regime of 2015 and zero migration, but the reference age structure is the age structure of the population of the these cities in 1897, which had a high proportion of children and a low proportion of older persons (CC0-897 scenario). The age structures of Moscow and St. Petersburg according to the census of 1897 are presented below in the section dealing with population pyramids.
Dynamics of population size of Moscow and St. Petersburg up to 2045 according to scenarios CC0 and SS0-897, million people. Source: authors’ calculations based on Rosstat data.
It is not surprising that the preservation of the current demographic situation with zero migration balance (CC0) leads to a reduction in the size of population — the population of Moscow may decrease by 16.8% relative to the 2015 level (up to 10.15 million people), St. Petersburg, respectively, by 15.5% relative to the 2015 level (up to 4.4 million people). At the same time, the CC0-897 scenario leads to an increase in the population of Moscow by 21% relative to the population in 2015 (up to 14.8 million people), and St. Petersburg, respectively, by 26% relative to the number in 2015 (up to 6.2 million people). Thus, if at present the Russian capital cities would have the population structure of the late 19th century, even with the modern mode of reproduction with birth rate below reproduction level, a “young” age structure by itself would ensure population growth. This example clearly shows what a significant influence initial age structure has on future population growth.
This paper analyzes the dynamics of the elderly population of Moscow and St. Petersburg between 1990 and 2015 (including relative to 1990) in comparison with the dynamics of the total population; the dynamics of the aggregate age structure of the population; the population pyramids of Moscow and St. Petersburg according to population censuses; the similarities / differences in age and sex structures of the two cities, as well as long-term prospects for changing the age structure of the population of Moscow and St. Petersburg.
The number of the elderly 60+ population relative to 1990 in Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg, 1990—2015, %. Source: authors’ calculations based on Rosstat data.
The number of the elderly 60+ relative to 1990 in Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg, 1990—2015,%. Source: authors’ calculations based on Rosstat data.
The number of elderly people (60+), Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg, thousands, 1990–2015.
Years | Russia | Moscow | Saint Petersburg |
1990 | 23 262,3 | 1647.4 | 875.4 |
1991 | 23 969,6 | 1677.3 | 893.7 |
1992 | 24 390,3 | 1695.2 | 905.2 |
1993 | 24 761,9 | 1709.8 | 914.0 |
1994 | 24 670,0 | 1693.8 | 903.5 |
1995 | 24 503,6 | 1674.8 | 894.4 |
1996 | 24 655,9 | 1680.1 | 894.6 |
1997 | 25 025,4 | 1706.0 | 904.9 |
1998 | 25 709,5 | 1782.3 | 941.9 |
1999 | 26 365,5 | 1841.5 | 969.0 |
2000 | 26 842,5 | 1893.6 | 984.2 |
2001 | 27 065,8 | 1935.3 | 987.2 |
2002 | 27 125,8 | 1967.5 | 981.1 |
2003 | 26 581,1 | 1959.3 | 955.7 |
2004 | 25 733,8 | 1935.3 | 929.2 |
2005 | 25 022,3 | 1940.9 | 918.9 |
2006 | 24 514,2 | 1975.2 | 924.3 |
2007 | 24 585,2 | 2041.9 | 948.6 |
2008 | 24 812,0 | 2106.0 | 972.5 |
2009 | 25 034,9 | 2158.2 | 989.8 |
2010 | 25 597,7 | 2227.0 | 1013.4 |
2011 | 26 113,9 | 2302.5 | 1039.0 |
2012 | 26 655,8 | 2411.6 | 1058.6 |
2013 | 27 242,1 | 2482.6 | 1079.8 |
2014 | 27 804,3 | 2550.2 | 1102.1 |
2015 | 29 064,2 | 2626.8 | 1131.0 |
The total population of the two megacities, unlike Russia as a whole, increased during the period under review, but the dynamics of this indicator for Moscow and St. Petersburg varied. Since 1994 for Moscow there was monotonous growth of the total population, which amounted to 37.4% relative to 1990, largely due to administrative-territorial transformations. The population of St. Petersburg declined until 2003, when it reached 93.1% of the original population in 1990, followed by a slight monotonous increase: as a whole during the period under review, the growth was 3.8% relative to 1990.
The total number of the elderly population of megacities and Russia as a whole in the period under review had increasing linear trends. At the same time, in full compliance with numerous demographic perspective calculations in the first half of the first decade of the 21st century, there was a slight reduction in the number of the elderly population, after which its growth resumed.
In general, for the considered 2.5 decades, the total number of the elderly population of Moscow increased from 1,647,400 pe in 1990 to 2,626,800 persons in 2015 (i.e. by 59.5%). In St. Petersburg the growth was from 875,400 persons to 1,131,000 persons (i.e. by 29.2%). Iin Russia in a whole the growth was from 23,262,300 persons to 29,064,200 persons (i.e. by 24.9% as compared to 1990). Such a large increase in this indicator for Moscow and an increasing excess of its values for Moscow in comparison with St. Petersburg (see Fig.
Dynamics of the proportion of the main population groups — children, working-age population and the elderly (according to the international classification) for Moscow, St. Petersburg and Russia in whole between 1990 and 2015 is presented in Fig.
Proportion of children in the total population of Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg, 1990—2015, %. Source: authors’ calculations based on Rosstat data.
Proportion of the working-age population in the total population of Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg, 1990—2015, %. Source: authors’ calculations based on Rosstat data.
Proportion of elderly persons in the total population of Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg, 1990—2015, %. Source: authors’ calculations based on Rosstat data.
Before the recent law on pension reform
In Russia in whole, only the proportion of children in the total population is higher than in each of the capital cities, while for the proportion of the working-age population and the elderly population the reverse inequality is true.
Only in the first half of the 1990s the proportion of elderly people in the total population was higher in Moscow than in St. Petersburg. In the beginning of the 21st century proportion 60+ was decreasing, reflecting the consequences of the Second World War, and from the middle of the first decade, it began monotonous growth. In general, during a quarter of a century the proportion 60+ increased for Moscow from 18.6% in 1990 to 21.5% in 2015, for St. Petersburg — from 17.5 to 21.8%, and for Russia — from 15.6 to 19.9%.
It should be noted that since the middle of the first decade of the 21st century there has been an increase in the proportion of children, which is associated with the increase in the number of births. The growth of the share of children and the elderly resulted in the corresponding decrease of the proportion of the working-age population.
The age structure of the population of Moscow and St. Petersburg was formed under the influence of similar historical and demographic events occurring simultaneously in both capitals. The changes in the age structure of these cities from the end of the 19th century to the present can be seen in the age pyramids of St. Petersburg and Moscow according to population censuses: The First Census of the Russian Empire of 1897, the All-Union population censuses of 1926, 1939, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989, the All-Russian population censuses of 2002 and 2010 (Demoscope Weekly. Annex). The corresponding population pyramids are shown in Fig.
Age pyramids. 7 Moscow and St. Petersburg, 1897, %. 8 Age pyramids, Moscow and Leningrad, 1926, %. Source: data of population censuses (Demoscope Weekly. Annex).
Age pyramids. 9 Moscow and Leningrad, 1939, %. 10 Moscow and Leningrad, 1959, %. Source: data of population censuses (Demoscope Weekly. Annex).
Age pyramids. 11 Moscow and Leningrad, 1970, %. 12 Moscow and Leningrad, 1979, %. Source: data of population censuses (Demoscope Weekly. Annex).
Age pyramids. 13 Moscow and Leningrad, 1989, %. 14 Moscow and St. Petersburg, 2002, %. Source: data of population censuses (Demoscope Weekly. Annex).
Age pyramids. 15 Moscow and St. Petersburg, 2010, %. 16 Moscow and St. Petersburg, 2015, %. Source: data of population censuses (Demoscope Weekly. Annex).
Age pyramids. 17 St. Petersburg, 1990 and 2015,%. 18 Moscow, 1990 and 2015,%. Source: Rosstat data.
The age pyramids of Moscow and St. Petersburg according to the 1897 Census are typical for age structures before the beginning of the demographic transition; they have a large proportion of children and a small proportion of the elderly population. Thus, according to the 1897 Census in Moscow there were 19.6% of children under 15 years of age and only 5% of elderly people (60+), in St. Petersburg — 21.3% of children and 5% of elderly people.
The age pyramids of 1926 indicate a decrease in the proportion of children of 10-14 years due to the decline in the number of births during the revolution and the First World War.
Age pyramids according to the 1959 census reflect the time and conditions of formation of the main demographic “waves”, the influence of which is still in effect today (Fig.
The demographic “waves” determined not only the changes in the actual age structure, but also the change in quantitative indicators of the natural movement for half a century. These “waves” will also affect overall population and vital movements over the coming decades.
As shown in Fig.
The system of “compressions” on the age pyramids of 1959 begins with relatively small in number of age groups of the population born in the years of war, this is especially noticeable on the age structure of the population of Leningrad, which had endured the blockade (at the time of the 1959 census it was 15—19 years old (Fig.
Since the length of the generation (the average time interval between the generations of parents and children) varies within the limits of 25-30 years, the formation of a “demographic echo” – descendants of cohorts born in the years of war — becomes clear. Fig.
The age pyramids of 1989 (Fig.
The age pyramids of 2002 (Fig.
The change in the age structure of the population of Russian capitals from 1990 to 2015 is shown in Fig.
To measure the proximity (differences) of age-sex structures of the population of Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as age-sex structures of these megacities in 1990 and 2015, we shall use the indicator s (Table
The similarity of age structures (s) of the population of Moscow and St. Petersburg (Leningrad) in the population censuses of 1897, 1926, 1939, 1959, 1970, 1979, 1989, 2002 and 2010, as well as in 2015, %
Year | s | Year | s |
1897 | 96.6 | 1979 | 97.1 |
1926 | 96.7 | 1989 | 97.4 |
1939 | 97.9 | 2002 | 95.1 |
1959 | 95.8 | 2010 | 96.8 |
1970 | 96.2 | 2015 | 96.2 |
Let X = (x1, x2,..., xn) and Y = (y1, y2,..., yn) are vectors of the share composition (age structures). As a measure of comparison of age structures, we use the indicator:
This section deals with the analysis of the long-term prospects of the age structure of the population of Moscow and St. Petersburg. On the basis of a number of existing forecast scenarios we estimate the possible changes in the size and structure (with special focus on population ageing) of megacities up to 2045 and in comparison with all-Russian trends.
Population projections are now an integral part of the management of socio-economic development at various levels. They can serve as a means of quantifying the expected impact of the various economic and social programmes aimed to achieve certain results.
For decades, many organizations in Russia were engaged in development of demographic forecasts. We shall note the projections, divided by two decades, made at the Department of Demography of the Institute of Statistics and Economic Research of Goskomstat Russia (
Rosstat calculates the estimated population by 2030 in three variants (low, medium, high) on the basis of data of the number of permanent population of the regions of the Russian Federation by sex and age as of 1 January 2010 and taking into account the Concept of Demographic Policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, approved by Presidential Decree No. 1351 of 09.10.2007. The medium variant of the forecast is considered the most realistic; it takes into account current demographic trends and population policy measures.
Official retrospective and prospective estimates of the world population used in the UN have been prepared since 1950 by the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat (DESA). UN Prospective Estimates (
The specific projections, which will be presented below, are based on a methodology called prospective analysis. It is based on the possibility of implementing a variety of population development scenarios depending on different external and internal conditions. The practical value of the results of prospective analysis is determined not by the degree of their proximity to the actual values (which can be determined only post-factum), but by the value of the forecast for decision-making process in various areas of political or socio-economic activity.
Even more definite evaluation on this approach was given by E. Andreev and T. Kharkova: “Since the beginning of the 1990s the scenario method became the basis of Russia’s population projections. It is practically the only possible approach to determining the future dynamics of fertility, mortality and migration in crisis conditions” (
DemProj, a computer program for demographic forecasting developed by the American firm The Futures Group in 1987 (
To implement the forecast (the projection horizon is up to 150 years) without taking into account migration and differentiation on urban and rural populations, it is sufficient to introduce an initial number of five-year age groups (men and women), as well as to set predictive hypotheses on fertility, mortality and migration. Hypotheses on fertility trends are given by the total fertility rate (TFR) and by the proportions (in percentage) of age-specific birth rates for women of reproductive age by standard age groups (15-19, 20-24,..., 45-49) for the entire projected period. Recall that the TFR shows how many children would have been born by a woman during the entire reproductive period (15-49 years), with the current birth rate at each age of the year, for which the factors are calculated.
The forecast hypothesis of mortality changes is introduced in the form of life expectancy (LE) at birth (for men and women) for the entire projected period. Life expectancy at birth is the number of years that a person from the generation born would have to live on average, provided that throughout the life of this generation the age-sex death rates remain at the level of the year for which the indicator is calculated. The age distribution of mortality can be determined by the survivorship ratio or by model distributions. In the latter case, the Coale-Demeny model life tables (
By using the DemProj program, the following prospective population indicators can be calculated: total population; number of population of certain ages; number of five-year age groups (pyramid and sex); number of births and deaths, crude birth and death rates, and population growth rates. All these indicators are calculated for the entire projected period in step of five years, while the total number, number of given ages, number of births and deaths are calculated in step of one year (
Our calculations are based on the data of the Regional Body of the Federal State Statistics Service for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad oblast (Petrostat
With the help of the DemProj program, we have calculated prospective size and age and sex structure of the population of Moscow and St. Petersburg up to 2045, and on their basis - indicators of population ageing, in particular, the proportion of persons over working age (60+) in the total population.
2015 was taken as the base year. Indicators of the main demographic processes for Moscow and St. Petersburg in the base year were given earlier in Table
This work is not aimed at calculating as many scenarios as possible, but we have attempted to determine the possible borders of changes in the total number and indicators of ageing of the population of the Russian capital cities up to 2045. In addition, the effects of maintaining the current demographic situation and demographic development in the absence of migration were investigated.
As a result, three types of scenarios were developed (i.e. three levels of of major demographic indicators):
C (Constant rates) — assuming the preservation of the TFR, LE and the balance of migration at the level of the base year;
L (Low) — assuming the lowest values of corresponding indicators observed between 1990 and 2015.;
H (High) — assuming the highest values of the TFR and migration balance observed between 1990 and 2015, and LE calculated for 2045 for Moscow and St. Petersburg based on Rosstat (HR) forecast. In addition, the case of zero migration (0) is considered.
On the basis of these assumptions scenarios of prospective calculations are elaborated. In this paper 10 main scenarios (out of 36 possible combinations) are considered:
1. CCC. 2. CC0.
3. LLL. 4. LL0.
5. HHRH. 6. HHR0.
7. HLC. 8. HL0.
9. LHC. 10. LH0.
Total population and aggregate age structure for prospective scenarios, Moscow and St. Petersburg, 2045.
Indicator | Total population (millions) | Aggregated age structure (%) | ||
Scenario | children (0-14 years) | working-age population (15-59 years) | elderly (60+) | |
Moscow | ||||
1. CCC | 14.06 | 12.7 | 56.9 | 30.4 |
2. CC0 | 10.15 | 11.0 | 51.9 | 37.1 |
3. LLL | 8.19 | 8.4 | 56.9 | 34.7 |
4. LL0 | 7.80 | 8.1 | 56.1 | 35.8 |
5. HHRH | 14.42 | 12.6 | 55.9 | 31.5 |
6. HHR0 | 10.47 | 10.8 | 50.8 | 38.4 |
7. HLC | 12.39 | 13.6 | 60.5 | 25.9 |
8. HL0 | 8.70 | 12.0 | 55.9 | 32.1 |
9. LHC | 12.82 | 9.0 | 57.7 | 33.3 |
10. LH0 | 9.19 | 7.5 | 51.5 | 41.0 |
Saint Petersburg | ||||
1. CCC | 5.61 | 16.4 | 57.1 | 26.5 |
2. CC0 | 4.39 | 12.4 | 55.1 | 32.5 |
3. LLL | 3.45 | 8.1 | 59.1 | 32.8 |
4. LL0 | 3.29 | 7.5 | 58.4 | 34.1 |
5. HHRH | 9.53 | 21.7 | 58.9 | 19.4 |
6. HHR0 | 4.60 | 12.0 | 53.5 | 34.5 |
7. HLC | 5.05 | 17.1 | 59.6 | 23.3 |
8. HL0 | 3.87 | 13.0 | 58.0 | 29.0 |
9. LHC | 4.75 | 9.9 | 58.6 | 31.5 |
10. LH0 | 3.77 | 7.0 | 54.9 | 38.1 |
In the final year, 2045, the total population of Russian capitals can vary widely: from 7.8 million to 14.4 million for Moscow and from 3.3 million to 9.5 million for St. Petersburg. At the same time, the LH0 and HHRH scenarios lead to the lowest and highest values for both capitals respectively (Fig.
Total population of Moscow for scenarios LH0, HHRH, SSS and HLC, 2015—2045, million persons.
Total population of St. Petersburg for scenarios LH0, HHRH, SSS and HLC, 2015—2045, million persons.
Almost all scenarios promise an increase in the proportion of elderly people. The only exception is the HHRH scenario for St. Petersburg: proportion 60+ is down 11% relative to 2015. In general, the growth of proportion 60+ relative to the base year for St. Petersburg varies from 7 to 75%, for Moscow — from 20 to 90%. For Moscow and St. Petersburg, the HLC and LH0 scenarios lead to the lowest and highest values of this indicator respectively. Thus, under the assumptions made about possible changes in the main demographic indicators in the long term, the spectrum of proportion 60+ change for St. Petersburg is somewhat wider than for Moscow.
Maintaining the values of the main demographic indicators at the level of the base year (the SSS scenario) leads to an increase in the total population of Moscow by 15% relative to 1990, and St. Petersburg by 8%. This scenario leads to proportion 60+ growth for both capitals.
The results of the calculations show the important role of migration in reproduction of the population of the two largest megacities of Russia. Without exception, zero-migration scenarios lead to a reduction in the total population: for Moscow the decrease is from 14% (scenario HHR0) to 36% (scenario LL0), for St. Petersburg — from 11% (scenario HHR0) to 37% (scenario LL0) relative to the base year. In addition, for all zero-migration scenarios, proportion 60+ values are higher than those scenarios with positive migration balance for both Moscow and St. Petersburg (Table
The results of the prospective calculations calls for more detailed analysis of the impact of migration in the context of population ageing.
This research on Moscow and St. Petersburg, demonstrates significant influence of the initial age structure on population reproduction in the long term.
Since the First Census of the Population of the Russian Empire in 1897 the age structure of the Russian capital cities is strikingly “aged”: in 1897 the proportion 60+ for Moscow and St. Petersburg was 5%, by 2015 this figure was 21.5% for Moscow and 21.8% for St. Petersburg. If the values of indicators of the main demographic processes are at the level of 2015, by 2045 the proportion 60+ could reach 30.4% for Moscow and 26.5% for St. Petersburg.
The results of long-term prospective calculations of population size and age structure show that almost all scenarios bring to an increase in proportion of elderly people (60+). In addition, the need for an in-depth study of the impact of migration in the context of population ageing has been identified.
For all censuses, including that of 2015, the proximity of age structures in Moscow and St. Petersburg exceed 95%. By definition, the proximity value s is between 0 and 1 (or from 0 to 100, if moving to percentages). Thus, s > 95% means a great similarity of the structures considered. It should be noted that the value of the indicator s for the age structures of 1990 and 2015 for both Moscow and St. Petersburg has smaller values.
In the future, we plan to analyze age structures of a wider range of regions of Russia. Here we would like just to outline a comparison of the age structures of Moscow and St. Petersburg with any region of Russia, which has similar LE but significantly different TFR, for example, the Republic of Dagestan (Naselenie Respubliki Dagestan, no year). In 2015, in the aggregate age structure of the Republic of Dagestan there were about a quarter of children (24.8%) and only 9.7% of the elderly (while these numbers amounted to 13.3 and 21.5% for Moscow and 13.1 and 21.8% for St. Petersburg). Therefore, there is no doubt that the similarity of the age structures of Moscow and St. Petersburg with that of Dagestan will be much smaller than that of the age structures of the megacities between themselves.
Age structures are the ground for calculating population ageing indicators. It suggests (even without making calculations) that the similarity in age structures is to result in proximity of population ageing characteristics.
In the Russian Federation, social and demographic policy aimed at creating conditions for active longevity is based on the Strategy of Actions in the Interests of the Older Generation until 2025 approved in 2016 by order of the Government of the Russian Federation №164-r. This document is aimed at creating conditions for active longevity, i.e. preservation of health, physical activity, development of cultural interests, and provision of conditions for participation in social life. In 2018, the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of the Russian Federation, together with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and other federal executive bodies, have elaborated the National Project entitled “Demography”, consisting of five federal projects, including the “Senior Generation” (
Gayane Levonova Safarova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Analysis and Modelling of Socio-Demographic Processes of the Institute of Regional Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail:
Anna Aramovna Safarova, Research Associate of the Laboratory of Analysis and Modelling of Socio-Demographic Processes of the Institute of Regional Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. E-mail: